Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sensual Attachments

6 sensual organs/faculties are (input gates):
1.Eye  2.Ear  3.Norse  4.Tongue  5.body(skin sensors)  6.mind

6 sense (input) functions are:
1.See  2.Hear  3.Smell  4.Taste  5.Touch  6.Think ideas

Consider function of eye organ (then, generalize to all other senses):

1.       The sense organ makes contact (Phassa) with the sense object.
(Organ locked into the target object)

2.       The sense organ receives the sense object as a stream/flow / flux /stream.
(Vedana =Sensory approach)

3.       The received date stream is encoded (codified) into a readable mental picture
(Sanna =perception)
Eye mind functions like ‘Display adapter driver’ of a computer

·         Raw data stream is categorized into patterns and interpreted to ‘makes sense’ of perceived.
Eg: (100111) = 10 |01 | 11 = C|A|T = CAT

·         Conceptualization (generalization) to ‘makes sense’ of perceived
Eg: Cat is a mammal

·         Self (definition) is established with identity (to distinguish & reference)
Eg: Cat is different from Dog

4.       One’s Will/choice/decisions/judgments on perception makes changes to mind.
Sankhara (volition)

Act of conscious intent & doing is karma and it’s result is vipaaka.
Attachment holds to mind pictures.

·         If sense object changes, the gap between attachments to new and previous perceptions is suffering ‘Dukka’
Expected situation - Current situation = Gap distance

·         If mental picture changes, the gap between attachments to new and previous perceptions is suffering ‘Dukka’
Expected situation - Current situation = Gap distance 

·         If there is no Gap between attachments to perceptions, meaning perceptions do not change or no attachments to perceptions, there cannot be suffering.

If you see this, you see this and nothing else, because no attachment to it.
If you see another, you see another and nothing else, because no attachment to it.

5.       Editing/updating mind creates new mind.
 (Vi=infinitesimal) + (nana/janana = generating) = Vinnana (mind)

Mind is a set of definitions (hierarchical self network)

Each definition (self) has 2 parts:
1. Naama : name used for reference
2. Ruupa : description

In Brief

  • Step 4 Sankhara (volition) recreates mental pictures by considering available flashed mental picture as an object. 
  • Therefore, all 5 clinging aggregates (pancha upadana skandha) causes for the continuous existence (Bhava) of the 5 clinging aggregates.
  • A self re-engineering process.

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