Monday, September 24, 2012

Golden Key Error

Consideration of Different Infinities 
to Fake the Golden Key

What is Golden Key?

How is it Calculated?


What is the Problem?

Set (B1) above has infinite elements.; Infinity1
Let cardinality of Set (B1) is C1.

Set (B2) above has infinite elements.; Infinity2
Let cardinality of Set (B2) is C2.

When each element of Set (B1) is multiplied by a constant K resulting Set (B2),
Set (B2) cardinality must be equal to Set (B1) cardinality.    C1 = C2
meaning same infinity number of elements; Infinity1=Infinity1

But, in the calculation above (B1) - (B2),
Set (B2) cardinality is not equal to Set (B1) cardinality.    C1 <> C2
meaning different infinity number of elements; Infinity1<>Infinity2
Therefore, information loss/leak in the calculation (subtraction).

The leak accumulates with rest of the calculations, moving away from the expected result.

Show me the concept

Let universe be finite.
(no consideration for infinitely expanding universe, multiverse or universe of universe/multiverse within the scope of this demonstration)
Let everything(universe) range be 1-200.

Let research-1 scope (world-1) range be 1-25.
Then, infinity range would be from 26-200 (beyond the range of research scope)

If Set(P) has infinity-1 number of elements, ranging = 10 -  100

The cardinality of Set(P) is 90.

If elements of Set(P) multiplied by 2, resulting Set(Q)
Set(Q) also has same number of infinity-1 elements from Set(P)
Therefore cardinality of Set(Q) is 90.
Set(P) and Set(Q) has One-to-one relationship
Therefore, all elements of Set(Q) can be subtracted by all elements of Set(P).

 If Set(R) has infinity-2 number of elements, ranging = 10 -  150
The cardinality of Set(R) is 140.
Set(P) and Set(R) does not have One-to-one relationship
 Therefore, if all elements of Set(R) be subtracted by all elements of Set(P), 140-90 = 50 elements of Set(R) does not participate in the calculation.


  • Golden Key is faked, because different infinity series (with different cardinality of sets) were used in calculations.

  • If Golden Key has an error, Riemann Hypothesis came out from thin air, meaning baseless.

  • Therefore, what is the validity of Millennium problem?

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