How do you wish to obey rules, and with what type of mindset?

The basic unit/state has polarity (+ or -), which is a rule (rule-1).
Even rule-1 to exist, there should be rule-0.
"In judgement, every
dimension (මානය/scale)
sets a rule to
qualify where rewarded for
merits, or to
disqualify where punished for sins.

Therefore rules exist
even before we start to think
(because, even thinking starts with a set
of rules) and death follows rules." says Prof. Lakshan Bandara
If you follow the rules set by others, you become a slave.
If others follow the rules set by you, you become a master.
If you & others follow the rules set by you & others,
you & others become peers.
Do you wish to Obey rules set by you, rule set by others, or rules set by mutual acceptance?
Buddha kept Dhamma as his teacher (ධර්මය ගුරු තනතුරේ තැබුවා), in 3rd week after enlightenment.

Suppose you own a company. You select a management and direct them by
setting rules.
(You are the master, management is the slave)
- Owner is directly responsible (ability to response) for the Management
- Management is directly accountable (log actions are report) to the Owner

The management set company rules and you
accept it.
(Management is the master, Employees are the slave)
- Management is directly responsible for the Employees
- Employees is directly accountable to the Management
Therefore in-turn, all employees follow
your rules.
(You are the master, employees are the slave)
- Owner is indirectly responsible for the Employees
- Employees are indirectly accountable to the Owner
Day-1 you became an employee (in management) of your company.
Therefore, you have to
follow the company rules, including
Management Rules. (
like People in a Republic)
(You are the master, employees are the slave)
(You are peer-to-peer, with Management)
(Also, You are the slave of your own master)
Day-2 you became an employee (cleaner) of your company.
Therefore, you have to
follow the company rules.
like People in a Republic)
(You are the slave, management is the master)
- Management (you) is directly responsible for the Employee (you)
- Employee (you) is directly accountable to the Management (you)
(You are peer-to-peer, with Management)
(You are peer-to-peer, with Employees)
(Also, You are the slave of your own master)
Day-3, you join a Labor Union as a member.
(You are the slave, Union Leader is the master)
(You are peer-to-peer, with Union Members)
Day-4, you became the Union Leader
(You as Union Leader is the master, Union masters are the slaves)
(You as Union Member are peer-to-peer, with Union Members)
Getting confusing & Conflict of interests.
- You (Union Leader) has interest against Owner (you) & vise versa
- You (member) has interest against Management (you) & vise versa
- You (Union Leader) has interest towards members (you) & vise versa
- You (employee) have interest towards Labor Union (you) & vise versa
Day 5, Management decided mislead and ignore the owner, by assuming the Nanny role & treating you to be in state of Child. Their justification is, a child cannot take care of himself, and not fit to set rules for the management and company.
like in a Democracy, though it started as a Republic)
Management set company rules, and get accepted by Cleaners
like politicians elected by Citizens in a Democracy)
Management has control of the owner (child) and Employees (subordinates)
Therefore, they enjoy company profits and sell/gamble company assets
owned by, because you (owner) has no power to monitor and control (Child has no
permission by Nanny & none care for child-play).

When you cry for comfort, Nanny will discipline you or give you a toy (entertainment) to play.

Nanny switches on TV, and you enjoy your favorite cartoon.
TV station is controlled by Nanny, so you here what Nanny wants you to here.
If you follow the rules set by others (like in a democratic society, oligarchy,monarchy, followers of Religious Buddhism, etc),
- if you are one of the few rulers, you will have a master mind (like politicians in a Democracy)
- if you are one of the many followers (irrespective you elect rulers),
you will have a slave mind (like Citizens in a Democracy)
If you follow the rules set by you (like in a Republic, Community, Interpreters of Symbolic Buddhism)
- if you are one of the few who suggest rulers or many who approved rules,
you will have a master/peer mind (like being Self-Disciplined)
-if you are one of the many who approved others' suggestions or few who disapproved them,
you will have a peer/peer mindset (like People in a Republic)
If you avoid the rules set by others, and follow your own rules (like
Robin Hood, freeman, Buddha in Symbolic Buddhism who set his own
ideas/Dhamm as his teacher),
you will have a master mind (like being Self-Disciplined) and gain "sight beyond sight"
How do you wish to follow rules and with which mind-set? Please make a self-analysis.
You are free to share your suggestions as intelligent soles, to make it a
fruitful discussion (though is not designed to be